Saturday, May 09, 2009

I Can Wait Forever

lagi suka lagu "I Can Wait Forever"-nya Simple Plan..
gara-gara baca majalahnya tachu, trus baca di bagian anime LaMB ~anime berdurasi sekitar 1 jam yg ditayangin di animax hari selasa beberapa minggu yg lalu..
pas baca di majalah itu, liat judul soundtracknya LaMB, trus iseng" donlod.. pas didengerin musiknya bagus, enak didenger.. yawda sekalian aja deh googling lirik lagunya.. ini dia:

You look so beautiful today
When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away
So I try to find the words that I could say
I know distance doesn't matter but you feel so far away
And I can't lie
Every time I leave my heart turns gray
And I want to come back home to see your face
And I
Cause I just can't take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me

But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it won't stop bleeding

But I can wait
I can wait forever

You look so beautiful today
It's like every time I turn around I see your face
The thing I miss the most is waking up next to you
When I look into your eyes, man I wish that I could stay
And I can't lie
But every time I leave my heart turns gray
And I want to come back home to see your face
And I
Cause I just can't take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me

But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it won't stop bleeding

But I can wait
I can wait
I can wait forever

I know it feels like forever
I guess that's just the price I gotta pay
But when I come back home to feel your touch
Makes it better
Till that day
There's nothing else that I can do
And I just can't take it
(I just can't take it)

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me

But I can wait
I can wait forever (I can wait forever)
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it won't stop bleeding

But I can wait (I can wait)
I can wait
I can wait forever
I can wait forever
I can wait forever...

ah keren lagunya.. apalagi di bagian yg gw bold..
yaa, walopun rada lebay sih XD tapi keren aj gtu..

~jadi pengen nonton LaMB lagi..
~ceritanya cukup mengharukan..
~seandainya dibuat sekitar 13 atau 26 episode, mungkin ceritanya bisa lebih dikembangin lagi dan mungkin banget klo bakal jadi keren bgt.. kyaaa :">


At 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah! iya von!
LAMB itu ceritany ttg apa ci.
gue uda lama liat promonya.. besar"an ABIS! tapi tiap mau gue samperin tuh film, gatot mulu..

anw. sprt yang loe ktahui..
kalau gue lagi IN dg song berikut:

"betapa ku cinta bapakmu..
katakanlah, kau cinta padaku..
sematkanlah aku dihatimu..
walau dimana berada, ingat ku dalam doa mu.." (nada nyanyi)

"hiasilah hati.
dengan cinta suci.
ho oh.. oh ho.. oh no...." (nada puisi)

haha XD

At 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:36 PM , Blogger vonnzaoldyeck said...

googling aj van XD gw agak ribet klo nyeritain ulang XD hehehe..

paneswu jadi salah satu pengisi suaranya.. tapi tetep aj gw ga ngeh yg mana suaranya si paneswu..

eh, jangan bikin polusi suara di blog gw.. jangan nodai blog saya..

At 11:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

paneswu? makhluk macam mana pula itu. ingat" lupa gue..
keknya nama yang digemari si Anita bukan?

huwhaha.. lagi ah..
*betapa.. (lanjutkan sndr)* haha v^^

At 11:43 PM , Blogger vonnzaoldyeck said...

ingat ingat lupa ato lupa lupa ingat? :p

itu loh, paneswu yg personilnya epse yg rambutnya paling goondrong..

At 5:03 PM , Anonymous Oz said...


kasian banget yang dilamination....

kebebasan tapi feeling uneasy dan unsecure....

vaness wu bukan yang tokoh utama ya?

At 8:54 PM , Blogger vonnzaoldyeck said...

sebenernya sih gw ga tw suaranya vaness wu kek gmn :p hehe

iya, kasian..
apalagi klo lo liat iklannya yg dari awal.. yg kata-katanya ngenes bgt..
yg intinya: ga boleh sentuhan, dsb..
yg gw liat malah ga ada kebebasan..


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