Saturday, May 16, 2009

another post about LaMB

Ok, keknya gw bener" tergila-gila sama anime yg satu ini.. sampe-sampe, pas gw lagi stres nggrafkom, gw malahan buka-buka yang pada akhirnya ngebawa gw ke dan setelah sampe di, gw malah download wallpaper dan akhirnya sampai detik ini wallpaper laptop gw gambarnya LaMB..

LaMB, anime yg unik.. ide awalnya mau ngrecycle manusia yang mungkin udah ga ada harganya di masyarakat (yg gw tangkep dari hasil guglingan sih gtu :p).. tapi entah kenapa, yg gw rasa pas nonton LaMB, gw ngrasa manusia yg udah di-laminated ga punya kebebasan sama sekali, ga bisa ngomong, ga ada ekspresi di wajahnya.. bahkan, baru kali ini gw nonton anime bisa sambil nangis.. sedih, mengharukan..

Buat yg lom nonton LaMB dan suka cerita anime yg simple, silakan tonton, walopun sampe skrg gw lom dapet link donlodnya.. Buat yg udah nonton, gmn menurut kalian ttg anime ini?

Btw, cuma mw ngpost ttg peraturan yg ada di Planet Cerra, tempata dimana manusia dilaminasi, menjadi LaMB..

LaMB rules:
1. LaMBs cannot touch another human being unless ordered by their Shepherd.
2. LaMBs must only act upon instructions of their Sheperds.
3. LaMBs cannot speak but they can hear.
4. Every LaMB's neck brace and in-ear nano-chips are combined to translate the Sheperd's instruction into physical actions.
5. LaMBs will receive deep electrocution pain if they attack another human being.
6. LaMBs do not have any facial expression as their facial nerve signals are constrained.
7. LaMBs' eyes will glow red when their lamination suit electrocutes them.
8. LaMBs do not need food. They survive on a special fluid that provides energy and nutrients.
9. LaMBs cannot charge themselves. Only Sheperds can charge the LaMBs' power system.
10. LaMB technology metabolizes human waste and converts them into H2O, which dissipates through the suit.

sedih bukan?


At 10:00 PM , Anonymous oz said...

kalau gak salah tokoh utamanya sengaja supaya dia di-lamb, bukan begitu?

At 4:35 PM , Blogger vonnzaoldyeck said...

@ oz:
ngg, gw ga gtu ngeh sama cerita awal"nya.. hehe


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